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역내 달러/위안, 27개월래 최저치서 반등..예상보다 높은 고시환율ㆍ해외 투자 확대 영향

작성자 사진: 환전소 종로환전소 종로

상하이, 10월22일 (로이터) - 역내 달러/위안, 27개월래 최저치 서 반등..예상보다 높은 고시환율ㆍ해외 투자 프로그램 확대 계획 발 표가 中 당국의 최근 위안 강세 우려 시사

* 中, 위안 강세 속 몇몇 해외 투자 프로그램 확대 - 관영 언론 한국시간 오후 1시7분 현재

ONSHORE SPOT: Item Current Previous Change PBOC midpoint Y=SAEC> Spot yuan XS> Divergence from m 0.17% idpoint* Spot change YTD 4.44% Spot change since 2005 rev 24.14% aluation

Key indexes:

Item Current Previous Change

Thomson Reuter 95.36 95.59 -0.2 s/HKEX CNH ind ex Dollar index 92.794 92.727 0.1

*Divergence of the dollar/yuan exchange rate. Negative number in dicates that spot yuan is trading stronger than the midpoint. Th e People's Bank of China (PBOC) allows the exchange rate to rise or fall 2% from official midpoint rate it sets each morning. OFFSHORE CNH MARKET

Instrument Current Difference fro m onshore Offshore spot yuan < 6.6593 0.11% CNH=> * Offshore non-deliver 6.8271 -2.51% able forwards NDFOR=> **

*Premium for offshore spot over onshore CNY=CFXS **Figure reflects difference from PBOC's official midpoint, sinc e non-deliverable forwards are settled against the midpoint. Y=SAEC>. * 원문기사 (문윤아 기자)



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